# # Gopher Server to Mac type map # # This is a quick hack to give Gopher server files a file type based on # their pathname suffix. This is not the best method -- I hope we can expand the # Gopher server typing scheme to do this more certainly than relying on pathnames. # But it should give you a taste where Gopher file typing may go. If you find this # useful, make it known to various Gopher server managers that this should be # added to the Gopher protocol. # # Server Local # Path Gopher Map Transfer Mac Mac Save To # suffix Type When Type Type Creator Disk Launch # .gif 9 always binary GIFf QGif yes yes #GIF picture, Quick Gif .tar.Z 9 default binary BINA ???? yes no #a general binary .rtf 9 always text TEXT MSWD yes yes #ms word rich text .ps 9 always binary TEXT ???? yes no #postscript .eps 9 always binary EPSF 8BIM yes yes #adobe photoshop .pict 9 always binary PICT 8BIM yes yes #adobe photoshop .tiff 9 always binary TIFF 8BIM yes yes #adobe photoshop .jfif 9 always binary JFIF JVWR yes yes #JPEG Viewer .jpeg 9 always binary JFIF JVWR yes yes #JPEG Viewer .jpg 9 always binary JFIF JVWR yes yes #JPEG Viewer #--- .hqx 4 always binary TEXT EDIT yes yes # binhex file .uue 6 always text TEXT EDIT no no # uuencoded file # # put any comments after "#" # separate values by spaces, must include all (7) fields in a line # # suffix = string to match at end of server pathname (case sensitive) # local gopher type = single character, see types and comments in Gopher Map # mapWhen = (always, default, never) = when to apply this mapping # (default == apply only if server item type is default (text) document) # transferType = (binary, text, none) = method to transfer data from server to client # (currently text == binary + strip linefeeds, none = not supported) # MacType = Mac Finder file type # MacCreator = Mac Finder file creator # saveToDisk = (yes, no) = save as disk file (otherwise try to display in client?) # launch = (yes, no) = launch app creator with file (system 7) #